All answers default no, must be positive proof. If there is conflicting evidence, most recent chronologically rules regardless. Satire defaults to endorsement unless extreme evidence otherwise.
Update 2024-10-12 (PST): - References to IR and its consequences will be interpreted as agreeing with Ted Kaczynski's position, as the phrase inherently implies a negative view of the Industrial Revolution (AI summary of creator comment)
Update 2024-18-12 (PST): Resolution will be based on information found on Kiwi Farms shortly before market close (AI summary of creator comment)
Update 2024-25-12 (PST) (AI summary of creator comment): Update from creator
Direct Evidence Required: There must be fairly direct evidence, such as following beff jezos for e/acc.
Default to No: If no evidence is found that Luigi likes a particular item (e.g., spaghetti), the resolution will default to 'no'.
@PaulHan I heard he followed Wayne (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wayne_Hsiung) on social media (Direct Action Everywhere) who is a vegan activist. This to me suggests pretty strong evidence of "liking" veganism even if he isn't one himself. I don't know why you would otherwise follow said activist.
@CornCasting that's just interest, and also "vegan activist" is a slanted way to frame it; I'm looking at the twitter page and veganism literally isn't a prominent topic at all. there's mostly stuff against factory farms and pharmaceutical testing on animals.
i think this is a bad resolution. following an animal rights activist is not "liking veganism"
@ZaneMiller Im going to resolve e/acc as yes because he effectively accelerated a bullet into a man
that’s just a joke i was convinced by Zane and the comments below but just decided to say that. Also, that joke has a serious philosophical basis, shooting a Healthcare CEO to enact social change is accelerationism of more traditional sort, and combined with his techno utopian beliefs it would be ideologically consistent for him to be e/acc
@PaulHan now you might say that i also resolved Uncle Ted as yes so how could I also say he’s e/acc - well both positions are strongly anti statist and have similar critiques of the industrial revolution they just have diverging solutions based on the situation forceable at the time
@PaulHan Like you said, e/acc is about technological acceleration, specifically AI, not traditional accelerationism.
@PaulHan btw why are you taking camera photos of your screen instead of pressing the screenshot key?

I don’t know if he’s heard of Mishima but Mishima would say this. I can’t say he likes Mishima from this
@ZaneMiller yeah but he said he liked effective altruism and his big thing socially was watching less porn and developing more real relationships and stuff. on the other hand he’s big on the future being radically different. does that sound like e/acc? not rhetorical i’m not sure