There must be evidence of EXACTLY ONE of either The Stack (as a zone) or Summoning Sickness referenced by name in oracle rules text on a non-reprint, non-joke Magic: The Gathering card between market creation (Feb 11, 2025) and the scheduled market close (11:59 PM Dec 31, 2027) to resolve YES. Otherwise, NO.
This market uses XOR logic. If both The Stack and Summoning Sickness are referenced by name in this way, this resolves NO. If more than one card meets the criteria for one of these options, it's the same as the option being satisfied once. If one card references both, it counts for both.
Reminder text is not rules text, and it does not count. It must be oracle rules text on a traditional Magic card that can be put in the deck of cards that becomes the library at the start of a game.
A joke card is a silver bordered card, acorned card, playtest card, or anything of comparable spirit. These don't count.
A card counts when a Scryfall or Gatherer page with with non-translated, legitimate English rules text exists for it.
I won't trade in this market.
@JackBrounstein For the sake of this market, no. This is reflected in the description:
Reminder text is not rules text, and it does not count. It must be oracle rules text on a traditional Magic card that can be put in the deck of cards that becomes the library at the start of a game.
It has happened at least once before for The Stack.