This is a permanent market and its duration will be lengthened as long as it's allowed. The aim is to sell your stock (see top right after you've made a bet) when you believe your side has over-corrected and buy in/short it again once it's over-corrected to the other side. Essentially, it's meant to function like a traditional stock market.
Read more: https://help.manifold.markets/manifold-101/why-would-you-sell-your-shares
Grace just burned the Darius bridge, and his clothes. Jesus.
I had high hopes. This would be great stuff if it were sustainable.
Reminder that this stock should be at 100%
@higherLEVELING Destiny mentioned he won't' be talking to Grace after the FBI crap. Too crazy for him.
@Edwin It looks like all the permanent stocks' price got inflated. The amount of positions I have on them got cut drastically. I don't exactly know what happened, I can't find any announcement from manifold on this.
@higherLEVELING Thanks for the info. Would be nice to have an announcment on their news page or something for potential confusing stuff like that though, not only a random comment in some market.
@Xexanos u right. just so u know where i saw it.. it was in the dan permanent stock: Dan Stock (Permanent) | Manifold Markets