Count only if the TV show / Movie is released before the end of 2025, and someone shares a screen shot and the title of the work in the comments within 1 week of the market closing.
Dec 26, 10:43pm: A Screen Actor's Guild support TV Show or Movie will list an AI in it's writing credits before the end of 2025 → A Screen Actor's Guild supported TV Show or Movie will list an AI in it's writing credits before the end of 2025
Dec 27, 7:48am: A Screen Actor's Guild supported TV Show or Movie will list an AI in it's writing credits before the end of 2025 → A Screen Actor's Guild supported TV Show or Movie will list an AI in its writing credits before the end of 2025
Ik only tv/movies are considered for this question but saw something that reminded me of this market-> Lex Fridman's description for this video https://youtu.be/7Sk6lTLSZcA mentions DALLE and midjourney as Artists.