Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) refers to a type of artificial intelligence that has the ability to understand, learn, and apply its intelligence to a wide variety of problems, much like a human being. Unlike narrow or weak AI, which is designed and trained for specific tasks (like language translation, playing a game, or image recognition), AGI can theoretically perform any intellectual task that a human being can. It involves the capability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly, and learn from experience.
Resolves as YES if such a system is created and publicly announced before January 1st 2026
Here are markets with the same criteria:
/RemNiFHfMN/will-we-get-agi-before-2026-3d9bfaa96a61 (this question)
Related markets:
Other questions for 2026:
Other reference points for AGI:
@mods Market creator gone. This market, as well as its many sister markets, is heavily traded. There might come a point where "we have AGI because 'duh we saw it and everybody knows", but more likely there will be drama. This will be a negative experience for many traders (users, potential customers).
I think this should be dealt with now rather than when more damage is done.
Some thoughts:
There are some sort of resolution criteria, so if this was supposed to resolve according to Metaculus, there would have been a reference. Thus I don't think traders could assume resolution according to Metaculus. Plus over there, there's at least the "weak" and the "strong" one.
If mods still think this should resolve to one of the Metaculus questions, or some other in-house market, this should be added to the criteria now instead of waiting until it's too late (and of course traders should be pinged).
My suggestion: N/A all these, create duplicates, add a reference market upon which resolution depends on, and tag traders.
@Primer I agree it's challenging, but as somebody who has made quite a bit of mana by market making, I'd be opposed to NA. I'd prefer resolving to current probability at a random time.
But I'm also happy with mods using discretion and their best interpretation of the criteria as written. We all traded in the market without being able to read the creator's mind, and now we're trading without being able to read the mods' minds, so we're in no worse a situation.
@Fion Yeah, I'm also aware N/Aing is against the consensus.
Keeping these open while many traders aren't aware the creator account is deleted, while others bet based on their knowledge that a mod will resolve this (and maybe can guess which mod and infer their reasoning from.prior information) is bad.
At the very least, traders should be pinged and educated on the situation and following modalities (Single mod decision? Panel of 3? Resolve to PROB? ...?) I'm an active user on a >700 day streak, but I don't know what's supposed to be consensus course of action.
Disclaimer: To my knowledge I'm not holding a position in any of the relevant markets.
Should this become true, would this market resolve as yes? The definition isn't super clear and different from here: https://manifold.markets/ManifoldAI/agi-when-resolves-to-the-year-in-wh-d5c5ad8e4708
can you define in more detail what you mean by AGI?
metaculus has good examples of resolution criteria and also immediately demonstrates how far apart reasonable definitions can be. without a reasonable definition it'll be hard to get accurate predictions.
@alextes That question is so ridiculously complex that it is meaningless.
It's asking for the model to learn something over 100 human hours. Who cares about that? If the model can do it a million times without any human intervention, what does it matter if it took 1000 hours for it to train in the first place? Also, at the same time it was learning this task, the model learned a million other things, too.
That question is an example of something that was informed by "at the time" thinking of how AI would go and it's a horribly obsolete way to look at it.
@SteveSokolowski sure but besides my point. The resolution criteria are clear. I’m guessing you’d agree that regardless of whether the fulfilled criteria are an indication of something meaningful or not, them being clear enough that one can predict them is a meaningful prerequisite.
@alextes Well, my issue with that market is also more broad. It's not clear to me why the date keeps getting pushed back. When GPT-4 was released, that date stood around June 30, 2025 and I think that things are turning out that that date will have been correct.
My guess is that they're never going to resolve that market, because the specific resolution critiera there are so irrelevant to AI capabilities that we'll have AIs pumping out new physics every 12h before that resolves.
@alextes I think this manifold question is worded in a way that will make it have much more longevity in that sense