Update: this WONT resolve to Other under any circumstances. Also, no other options will be added.
Only one will resolve to YES. strategic investment does not count as acquisition. milestones like sequencing don’t count as “birth announcements” (though would be super interesting), actually looking for a dolly the sheep type moment here.
i’m not a biologist but super interested in the company. roughly speaking their proposed process involves understanding the dna of extinct species in some way, finding living species whose genome is close to the extinct species, using gene editing to create new dna that is a hybrid but represents the extinct animal in important ways (eg cold-resistance for the mammoth), creating embryos with the hybrid dna and bringing them to term using surrogates of the extant species.
they’ve raised decent funding, their stated timeline for the mammoth seems like 2028.
creator will not bet.
I think it might not be possible to do that anymore. Although @mods can sometimes help with these things.