This market will resolve at the percent change in value of the day in the RKLB stock at close of the market after the completion of the first flight of Rocketlab’s Neutron Rocket.
Completion of the of the launch includes mission success and any failure or failures that prohibits both vehicle stages from flying any further and completing the remaining mission objectives.
This is absolute change so wether the stock price has a +30% change or a -30% change the market will resolve to 30%. This is in the hopes to differentiate this market from other markets predicting the success of the first Neutron flight to focus on it’s effect on the RKLB stock. Any percent change value greater than 100% will be counted as 100% AKA resolve YES.
Some caveats for which market close counts:
If Neutron launches while the market is already closed, the following days market close percentage will count as the resolution of this market.
If Neutron launches while the market is open but the mission completes after Market close, the following days market close percentage will count as the resolution of this market.
If Neutron launches while the market is open and the mission completes while the market is still open, the percent change of the current open market will count as the resolution of this market.