BUY: good
SHORT: bad
Market trades based on sentiment & never resolves.
Not gone and not Forgotten
Kaido is HIM and he pushes Primebeard to extreme diff. He scales to the old legends. No other character has been calles to strongest in the world so many times, and no other character has feats as good as him. Only one who comes close in feats is Luffy.
Here is a colection of post that show how strong he is:
4. Google docs analysis cause it's too long for reddit:https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTNA87liHck7B_0WqF79Vvehecd2l9wSHR4IYqdNafo0T-9aDZHJH4kWhmL6ADkiPFK2mkH9gGdNFk_/pub
Finally here is a compliation of Kaido's insane durability feats:https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/179sakr/they_said_kizaru_kaido/. I can't be bothered to find anymore at this point. I alerdy have listed far more, feats and statements, than could be listed for any other character exept maybe Luffy.
Waido is HIM.