Resolves "Yes" if there is credible reporting, or legal documents, showing that Sam Aarons (co-founder in Modern Treasury) has been indicted or criminally charged by police with a serious crime.
Resolves "No" if this does not happen by Jan 1st, 2030. Part of a large question series.
Question is global -- charges in any country count.
Charges count even if they do not lead to a conviction, were settled before a conviction, or if they are not found not guilty.
Examples that count: wire fraud, perjury, assault, arson, theft.
Examples that don't count: littering, possession of small amounts of marijuana.
@SuwuHwhw On "important": You mean for the 2022 group? Or are you including previous years? If the latter, that seems just implausible. Previous years included Zuckerberg, Buterin, and Patrick Collison.
But also you're missing the point of these markets. It's for detecting criminality risk, which is sky-high among Forbes honorees.
@Jotto999 all of those are years ago and nobody after 2011 accomplished anything with their life, it's pure boomer domination