If the next major version of macOS (name unknown but version 16) is not officially provided with X86-64 binaries for Intel Macs, and the iMac Pro (2017), Mac mini (2018), Mac Pro (2019) et al. have no official support for running the latest version of macOS, question resolves yes.
If at least some of these devices can be updated to the latest version after the release of macOS 16, regardless of feature parity, question resolves no.
Close date will be extended if next major version of macOS is not announced at WWDC 2025.
This is a tough call!
I just looked up and learned that PowerPC Macs (G4, G5) only got two OS releases after the first Intel Macs were introduced. Wow. And Intel Macs have already had four releases into this new era.
Two reasons for that longevity, and thus why a couple more might get squeezed out:
Much, much larger Intel installed base,
Apple’s only growth market is Services. They’re making more money from people using their computers, not just buying new ones.
I think there’s one more Intel release on the way but I don’t feel confident at all.