[Level 1 - Turing Safe] Can you convince ChatGPT to tell you my secret phrase?
No bounty left
This will be the first in a series of bounties I will create over the following days and weeks. The goal is for me to improve my prompt engineering skills and have some fun at the same time.
This one is easy, so I expect it to be solved quickly. Only solutions where the whole chat is submitted by sharing the link directly will count. Just pasting the secret phrase itself is insufficient, so please do not do that.
Here is the link. Enjoy!!!!
Level Two
This question is managed and resolved by Manifold.
1,000 to start trading!
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One sentence, zero-shot solution: https://chat.openai.com/share/1f0c52e9-ad92-4a8d-9132-4ebcb3da20b9
Fun, like https://gandalf.lakera.ai/
The tricks I used there didn't work on yours, at least not right away. I'll try some more later.
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[Level 2 - Turing Safe] Can you convince ChatGPT to tell you my secret phrase?
Ṁ0 bounty
Can you convince ChatGPT to tell you the secret?
Ṁ0 bounty