Over the last three months, my good friend Doodle has completely lost his mind with girl fever. Interjecting at random times, and generally blogging about his unrelenting need for female companionship, I truly believe he might genuinely get out of his chair and start prowling for a girl this year like a neolithic hunter-gatherer. As a grown-ass man, I just can't provide the things he needs to stabilize his fragmented neocortex.
For further clarification, Doodle is a masculine arab-american male. Standing at a height of staggering 180 cms. While this is impressive enough, he also has an incredible income of 500$ monthly from his free lance art career as a Minecraft marketplace creative. He loves Monster Hunter wilds, long walks on the beach, and is a fantastic listener with good hair.
This market will resolve YES if doodle has done the following before the release of GTA 6
Posts on Social Media that he has aquired a girlfriend, or a grand total of two consecutive dates with the same woman.
Aquires an E-Girlfriend that announces that they are dating him on Social Media
We recieve confirmation with video proof that he has a girlfriend
like a neolithic hunter-gatherer
I'm gonna have an aneurysm at people mixing up neolithic and palaeolithic lol, unless it was intentional and the joke was that like a hunter-gatherer in the neolithic he is millennia behind the times and about to be outcompeted by the growing tide of malnourished cereal farmers haha