TL;DR: AI utopia this century, cyborgs (humans + AI systems in one robust unit, not with peripheral devices as presently) are the only way humans exist (90% or more) by the end of the century?
Resolves yes if majority population of humans at any given time this century is cyborgs instead of regular evolutionary pre industrial revolution humans.
Here is a story for those who can read longer:
1930s - 1960s
We create computers and interact with the digital realm that was here all along but we did not have ways to interact with. The computational devices we invented are non-intuitive and only usable by heavy usage of numbers and calculations and that was very hard so we abstracted away some concepts so that we could write simply English and still offload computational stuff (Assembly).
1960s - 1990s
We slowly but steadily created more and more abstractions that let us talk to computers more easily. We created GUIs that would make it easier for more humans to easily interface with digital world because GUIs are human oriented. We created personal computers to have "our own computational system right in the bedroom!" and we created faster and faster devices (a trend which wont really slow down thereafter till at least the present day).
1990s - 2020s
We created (and popularized) software (abstraction that runs on a computer that lets a human interact with the computer to offload things desired by the human but computationally complex, onto the computer, so that the human can be satisfied without the computationally demanding work) to interact with the digital world in more and more ways and creating tools that are useful in our world.
We created the internet to let the computers talk to each other in the decades prior and then we used the internet and other networking technologies to do a lot of useful things for things we humans care about (something we will continue to do thereafter). Really, talking to other humans on the other side of the planet with barely a blink of an eye's lag is too freaking computationally complex for a human to do, but we dipped our toes in the digital realm and created perfect interface devices for mass-popularity and spread of humans. These "smart mobile phones" let humans onboard into the digital realm just a little bit without too much of a culture shock as most other humans (around them) were also doing that.
These days we have interfaces such as ChatGPT that allows us to share information with a specialized AI system (LLM in this example).
We are now at a stage where the balance is shifting. Now instead of us abstracting away concepts to allow humans to talk to computers in the "language of computers", we are abstracting away computational concepts to allow computers to talk to us in the "language of humans".
From Graphical user interfaces, we are moving to Language user interfaces because language seems to be a fundamental way that humans share information and communicate.
Books (and other "media", but most of the human history had books and scrolls) are the perfect example of this, allowing us to propagate information across time even when we are dead.
We're just not capable of understanding intelligent computers in their language - the computational complexity seems irreducible unless we abstract most of it away to human understandable language (which isnt the same as reducing it).
If we were stuck on that hypergraph or manifold or energy graph or whatever the heck it is that the AI models are traversing - searching and matching the right or the best answers at a time, we wouldn't be able to cope up, for even a little bit. It's just too computationally demanding.
Machine learning is not just engineering but also a science and also a art. We are creating software to interact with AI systems more and more and with each new way of interaction, it becomes slightly easier to find more ways of interaction. Almost like we're traversing the graph of solutions for AGI ourselves but not in a random way.
So, will humanity merge with AI systems to create cyborgs, a fusion of humans and digital intelligence this century, and will that also be the primary way that most humans live their life?