Resolves between 50-100% for all completed books based on enjoyment. I will resolve all books I have already read to the best of my memory. Dropped books resolve between 0-50% based on enjoyment (resubmission allowed).
Please see https://manifold.markets/TonyGao/what-books-will-i-enjoy-reading-32fur059up for a newer version of this market it is cheaper to add recommendations to.
Opened a new market for this since adding an answer costs too much mana. Going to run through this market over the next couple months. Currently reading the Diamond Age.
@TonyGao Brilliant but terribly flawed novel. Obviously all the societal stuff is setting window dressing and doesn't stand any examination. But also the primer itself, the core and key to it all, doesn't really stand up to scrutiny. I get why it's the dream, but it would only work if it contained an ASI agent with a direct brain-computer interface, at which point the medium of a book is just the wrong one to use.
Anyways, there are some really killer scenes in this novel. My initial thought is that Neal should transition to writing short stories, but on second thought he seems to like the process of gradually fleshing out and linking multiple overarching concepts, which can only be done in these huge paperweights.
There should be some sort of categorization system I could use to figure out what types of science fiction I would enjoy. This book is probably concept vs plot focused, uses workman vs lyrical prose, and is idealized vs hard. I wonder if those are the principal components though.
Opened a new market for this since adding an answer costs too much mana. Going to run through this market over the next couple months. Currently reading the Diamond Age.
First part is pretty interesting, second part is totally skippable. Useful at least as an overview for what Nick Cammarata keeps going on about.
Probability Estimates:
Jhanas are a type of self hypnosis - 50%
Jhanas are something else but inaccessible to me: 30%
Jhanas are something else I can reach with practice: 20%.
@TonyGao Fairly short, with payoff being some decent insights and pretty prose. Not really life or even behavior changing though.
Adding answers seems too expensive in subsidized markets, I think I'll recreate this as a mini market.
@mongo some books i rate highly:
demonology and the tri-phasic model of trauma
worth the candle
a suitable boy
earthly powers
my brilliant friend
the name of the wind
jonathan strange
stories of your life and others
there is no antimemetics division
neurosis and human growth
the social skills guidebook
the pragmatist guide to life
surface detail
master of the senate
mother of learning
cold iron
any human heart
the world according to garp
game of thrones
assassins apprentice
the dragons path
the iron dragons daughter
curse of the mistwraith
a death in the family
how asia works
invitation to a banquet
legal systems very differetn from ours
conversationally speaking
the carpet makers