https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/en/Beatmapping for context.
Resolves to YES if at least one difficulty of any ranked (or qualified) osu! beatmap is revealed to have been fully generated by any kind of AI-like algorithm (e.g. a purpose-built series of neural networks, or some kind of statistical regression based on song waveforms) before 12/31/2025, 11:59PM.
Otherwise, this market resolves to NO.
By "Fully AI generated", I mean that the following map aspects will be generated with no human intervention:
Inherited timing points (slider velocity and hitsounding)
Object placement (Hitcircles, Sliders and Spinners)
This means that map metadata and uninherited timing points (song BPM / audio offset) may be specified in advance or provided as inputs to the generation algorithm.
The algorithm used should take only the song mp3, timing information and .osu song metadata as input. (This rule is here so you can't just copy an existing ranked map and move objects around - the generated beatmap should be sufficiently original; no whole sections are blatantly copied)
Training the algorithm using pre-existing osu! beatmaps is allowed.
Maps with hand-adjusted elements (objects were nudged, hitsounding adjustments, ...) after they were originally generated will be considered NOT fully AI generated.