This is a long term market intended for people to be able to see at a glance people who might have high future political potential.
An answer resolves YES once they become Prime Minister.
Resolves NO upon their death if they have not become PM of the UK.
I may edit or N/A added answers if they are e.g. duplicates, unclear, etc.
Jimmy Carter should be an option. It may take him another 5 years to get UK citizenship, but with everything delegated to the other ministers and staffers, the Prime Minister can just be a figurehead skeleton who sits on a golden throne like the Emperor in Warhammer 40k. Alive or dead, who knows, it doesn't really matter as long as there's a figurehead.
@HarrisonNathan I mean I might as well do the Anglo countries since most people on the site are English-speakers
@HarrisonNathan head of government, not state. One specific name on the list is almost guaranteed to become head of state.

Dominic Cummings (2023),
@strutheo surely you've heard of Freddie Mercury and Amy Winehouse and John Lennon and King George and William Shakespeare?