Background: in 2022, Type-Moon announced an English release of Witch on the Holy Night. This was followed by an announcement in 2023 of an English release of Tsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon- and an announcement in 2024 of an English release of Fate/stay night. However, they have not, as of this market's creation, made any similar announcement for Fate/hollow ataraxia.
This market will resolve Yes if such an announcement is made in what I subjectively consider to be a formal fashion, such as a trailer, a tweet dedicated to the announcement or a blog post with a dedicated header-section for the announcement, the creation of a website or Twitter for the release, or some similar such definitive indication-of-intentions. It will not resolve Yes for more informal rumors, leaks, or subtle plausibly-accidental statements-of-intent, absent a subsequent more-formal announcement.
There's a teaser out for Fate/hollow ataraxia in English. This very strongly implies that there's going to be an English release. But I've failed thus far to find an announcement explicitly confirming it, beyond that strong implication, so I'm going to leave the market open for now.