When Tsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon- first came out in 2021, it was only in Japanese; the English translation was announced only later. The other recent Type-Moon visual novel releases and announcements—2022's Witch on the Holy Night remaster and 2024's announced Fate/stay night remaster—were available in English from the get-go, but they were remasters of older visual novels whose scripts had existed in translation-susceptible form for years.
Thus we've got an open question: will Type-Moon's next expected new visual novel—Tsukihime -The other side of red garden-—be offered in English immediately upon release, as with the remastered releases of their older VNs, or will it be released without an English rendition (and then, perhaps, translated subsequently)?
This market is planned to resolve upon the next full release of a visual novel comprising part of the Tsukihime remake. This applies even in the event that its name-at-release-time ends up being something other than 'Tsukihime -The other side of red garden-', even in the event the remake ends up being subdivided further such that the next release isn't the final one, et cetera. However, this does not apply to, for example, a demo; only a full VN-release, of comparable definitiveness to the Tsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon- release, will lead to market-resolution. The market will resolve Yes if the initial release features an English-language option. It will resolve No if the initial release doesn't include any such option, even if the release is paired with, for example, an announcement of a planned patching-in of an English-language option two months in the future.