Show me your favorite song.
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Personally, I prefer energetic music. But, all music is welcome.
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A recent favorite of mine has been Starship Velociraptor. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2n_Ae9DGC0U
https://youtu.be/4TnAaobVMfw?si=0T0Ax01BnNSThZJG most energetic music you will find, I hope you enjoy this as much as I do.
In the end by Linkin Park is my favorite song. I downloaded it as ringtones at this site: https://kostenloseklingeltone.de/
I cannot find a single most favorite song, sorry.
All the songs here have a tint of japanese kawaii-themed EDM in it, not sorry.
If you want exacly one then listen to this:
kawaii energy] かめりあ feat. ななひら - カラッと☆きつね色ダイヤモンド https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySnd8GqQ09E