The contract that resolves to Yes shall be that which identifies the person elected Prime Minister of Japan in the next election. In Japan, the House of Representatives, the lower house of Japan's legislature, elects the prime minister. The next general election is scheduled to happen before 30 October 2025.
If no one is elected Prime Minister of Japan in 2024 or 2025, this market shall resolve to "No one before 2026".
I will not bet on this market.
Prime minister of Japan is not a directly elected office (source). Do you mean appointed by the Diet? What if Fumio Kishida is reconfirmed for a third term?
@dph121 Yes, this market refers to the election of a prime minister by the Diet. I will edit the description to make this clear.
If Fumio Kishida is reelected, the contract "Fumio Kishida" will resolve to Yes.