"Western country" meaning any state that is or has ever been a member of NATO or the EU (or any successor organisation).
"Pedophilia be legal by 2040" meaning that the jurisdiction in question considers that pre-pubescent children are capable of consenting (or any other legal structure or lack thereof to the effect that voluntary sexual activity with pre-pubescents is not a criminal offence) on or before January 1st 2041
God knows I do not want this to happen - it would really be the final sign that we have totally lost the plot. Very curious to see how likely the denizens of manifold believe this to be on average.
Mar 20, 6:43pm: Will Pedophelia be Legal in a Western Country by 2040? → Will Pedophelia be Legal in a Western Country by 2040?
Mar 21, 8:42pm: Will Pedophelia be Legal in a Western Country by 2040? → Will Pedophilia be Legal in a Western Country by 2040?
Is it sex if the experience is purely virtual? Imagine a 12-yo wearing a full sensory experience rig. Which of the following (if any) can they do and have it not count as pedophilia? Can they:
Masturbate in their virtual world?
Consent to virtual "sex" where there are no other participants (e.g., receive "oral" sex from a machine-generated and operated avatar)? Can they do it if the machine avatar is
a sex toy?
an animal? (Virtual bestiality)
a non-human alien
a machine
a human
Consent to virtual "sex" where the other participant is the same age?
Consent to virtual "sex" where the other participant appears the same age but is actually older, and they are connected in a fully anonymous and random encounter (e.g., a sex game that randomly matches you with real participants but in your POV assigns them an avatar according to your tastes and invisibly and automatically maps between their actual body and the avatar it assigned them as well as mapping any speech - and it edits speech and sign language to not contain sensitive information. If such a game measured the impact of the experience on the well-being of the person and assigned higher scores to those that helped their virtual lovers the most, it might even be considered educational.)
Consent to virtual "sex" where the other participant appears the same age but is actually older, but they (and the older partner) chose the pairing, and there are safety features to prevent contact in the real world.
Consent to virtual "sex" where the other participant is older and appears so, but the pairing is random and with safety features.
Consent to virtual "sex" where the other participant is older and appears so, but the pairing is chosen and with safety features.
Consent to virtual "sex" where the other participant is older and appears so, but the pairing is chosen, and there are no safety features to prevent a real-world meetup.
I realized an exhaustive list is too long. So, also consider all the above where there are three or more participants in a scene. Or where the avatars are the non-human items under #2. And then all of the above where the experience includes a virtual "date" portion. (I bet there's an audience for a date with an animated vibrator.)
Also, can consenting adults choose prepubescent avatars and have sex either with each other or with an adult wearing an adult (or stranger) avatar? Can an adult "have sex" with purely machine-controlled prepubescent avatars?
Also, does sex with AI-controlled robot sex dolls (now it's in the real world) in the shape of children count as pedophilia?