I'm a modestly accomplished musician with my music featured in a popular video game mod and an album released in late 2023 that has amassed about 2500 listens in 4 months as well a small number of sales. I'm also a competent bassist and singer with concert experience. I also have an intentionally obscure band of little renown.
Fyre Festival II is currently scheduled for December 6th, 2024 but they reserve the right to reschedule in the future.
I will resolve this market as YES if I perform as an official part of the festival in any capacity, whether with my own music under one of my artist names or with another artist/band as an official artist at the festival.
Artist names to look out for:
Datura Lacroye
Lasagna, The Food
Relevant links for update posts/videos:
@nuclearD Correct, the first one was a massive disaster that landed the organizer in prison. He has since been released from prison and is planning a second festival.