@ElliotDavies what would you prefer, I've always liked Global Priorities Studies but I also find Effective Altruism ok.
@justifieduseofFallibilism I often tell people anything you can come up with in a 5 minute brainstorm is better. "Smart Charity" is better. Global priorities studies is better. Evidence based charity is better.

I took the pledge. I think that means I count as an effective altruist.
I voted "leaning towards yes"; I don't consider myself part of the Effective Altruist community, but I think that, if you're donating to charity, you should make sure you're doing it in a way that's as aligned with your values as possible. EAs seems to be the only people who attempt this in a systematic way, aside from maybe some religious groups?
@jskf yeah removed
The original intention was to motivate people to vote for being an EA if they agree with the philosophy, and not whether they consider themselves to be a part of the community.
Removed because it causes unncessary confusion for an otherwise simple poll.