Ex: how to release, perhaps for writing significant (>20%) parts of its release blog post, etc etc.
I'm surprised that no one is discussed the part about “will it be revealed”. IDK if OpenAI is interested in announcing that they wrote the release blog post in GPT-5, especially given how that's probably already the norm for GPT-4. It wouldn't be news.
I'm like 90% on that it will be used for it, but only like 50% on it being mentioned by someone at OpenAI (unless they see the market, god forbid). Also this market closes on 2025, and Sam Altman has publicly stated they're not interested in working on GPT-5 anytime soon. This reduces the window of time significantly.
@Schwabilismus we have seen gpt-4 being used for so many things. Presumably gpt-5 is really good at those things, such as, writing announcement blog posts, or drawing the graphs and plots from tables. Or perhaps creating interactive things. I fully expect open ai to credit gpt5 if they used gpt5 to create such stuff for the announcement of gpt5
@firstuserhere okay, follow-up question:
Would that involve constitutional AI?
I mean: it is trained by making its own feedback, so technically it weites its oben "code".