Nintendo announced plans to open a store in San Francisco in 2025: https://www.nintendo.com/us/whatsnew/nintendo-announces-plans-for-official-store-in-san-francisco/
Any store operated by Nintendo within San Francisco counts for resolution, including if the name or location is changed from what the press release said.
If there is any announcement from Nintendo that their plans to open this store are canceled, or the store is is not open by 2030 January 1st, this market resolves "does not open", even if they do end up opening a store eventually. All other options on the market must be formatted "####Q#". Q1 means Jan 1 - Mar 31, and so on.
Opening date for the purposes of this market will be the first day members of the public are allowed in the store. This does not include invite-only events for press, or for specifically selected players (e.g. based on play time). It does however include events where guests are randomly or first-come, first-serve selected from an open signup waitlist.