I'm looking to try some new prediction markets and new foods in 2024! Suggest a food that you think I will enjoy trying and (lifestyle, logistics, adventurousness willing) I will purchase, prepare, try, and review it.
You are predicting both that I will like it, and that I will find the food "worth it." So, for example, while I might enjoy a $2,000 24k gold pizza, I personally doubt I'd find it "worth it." If I try something, like it, and enjoy it, I will resolve "Yes." If I try something, like it, and don't enjoy it or find it not "worth it," I will resolve "No." If I don't try something, I will resolve N/A. If I am not willing to, I will try to resolve N/A early to return your mana. If I have already tried the food you submit, I will resolve based on my past experience ("Yes"/"No") or "N/A" depending on how much activity has happened on it and if it's low effort (ice cream -> N/A, jack fruit -> Yes). If I have already publicly mentioned that I've tried and liked/disliked a food in the description or comments then I will resolve "N/A".
If you provide a suggestion, I would appreciate a comment with info on where I can acquire the food and/or instructions for preparation (if needed). I'm located in Charlottesville, VA, so ideally they'd be available locally or shipped to the US. Otherwise, you are at risk of my choice suppliers and methods, though I'll do my best.
I would prefer to keep the foods more single ingredient/distinct vs. several different versions of a pastry. Or full dishes that I may not come across in more standard restaurants/grocery stores in the US.
I have a pretty varied palate and enjoy most cuisines and spices. I am comfortable spending up to $200 for a really unique/substantial experience, but would typically like to keep things under $20. I am not a huge fan of "fishy" foods, like shellfish, less fresh fish, fish stick kind of stuff, but fresh fish/sushi/sashimi is great. Some textures bother me, shrimp/scallops would be an example. Not a huge fan of really heavy fatty food. I'm willing to eat some raw food (sushi, beef tartare). I do have the gene that makes cilantro taste like soap, but I can tolerate it in small amounts. For whatever reason, I'm not really a fan of pickles (or I only like very few pickles I try), but I do like other fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha. I won't try to keep anything secret, so feel free to ask about preferences or food history in the comments.
Ecologically damaging foods (no shark fin soup)
Animal welfare concerns (foie gras, kopi luwak coffee unless wild)
Food with foodborne illness/parasite concerns
Non-food/beverage items
Depending on activity, I'm interested in your ideas for how to choose the foods and try them. One idea I had was to announce the top couple foods by probability mid-month that I will try at the end of the month, so you can concentrate liquidity on the soon-to-be-resolved markets. Let me know your ideas!
I will make a reasonable effort to try the foods with high stakes/liquidity/traders. One way to force me to try something would be to buy enough "Yes" shares that if I were to buy the food, try it, and bet "No" to 0%, I would earn a profit. That way, I either enjoy the food and find it worth it, or I earn a profit for charity in the event that I don't. I also have an infant at home and reserve the right to let life get in the way. I will avoid trading this market except for immediately before resolving an answer in order to keep it ranked and subsidized.
@traders Life has been a little nuts the last year, and I haven’t gotten to all that I want to here. Is anyone opposed to me extending this another quarter?
Can’t really go wrong with hummus, so resolving yes as it was good, but I kinda prefer a plain hummus. Current favorite is the traditional from The Perfect Pita.
Trader Joe’s Three Layer Hummous ~$3.50
I love it with toast, with fritos, with mixed salads, romaine and cucumbers and carrots and celery, and plain on a spoon! I ❤️ it so much I only buy it once a month so I don’t over-indulge and burn out!
@SusanneinFrance And since Trader Joe’s is purely an in-person experience you’re in luck as they have one in Charlottesville!
@SusanneinFrance Haha I am so well familiar with that store. 😅 But, not that product in particular! I will have to try it soon.