This market will be resolved YES if there is new episode of TV Show The Grand Tour https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5712554/ released in year 2025.
Some clarifications:
It must be an official release. If the episode is stolen by pirates this does not count.
The episode must be at least 20 minutes long.
All three hosts must be present in the episode:
Jeremy Clarkson
Richard Hammond
James May
## timezone of the market
The year 2025 is defined as the year in timezone of city Seattle, Washington, United States (city of Amazon Corporate Headquarters)
I will use the exact date and time the episode starts airing to check if it's in the year 2025.
## Author betting rules
The author of the market can bet on this market.
## Resolving rules
This market will be resolved as YES shortly after such event happens.
This market will be resolved as NO in early 2026 if there is no new episode.
I'm not going to resolve it early.
## All my market on this topic
/bessarabov/will-a-new-episode-of-the-grand-tou-b2cf0d89d1e4 — this market