Help me understand how to best spend my mana.
I’m trying to understand a fundamental tension I see with Manifold: should I spend my mana on answering interesting/important questions in markets that may not resolve for years? Or should I try to answer more prescient, but less important, questions?
echoing what Matt said. long term markets are some of the best questions imo, but you're actually punished for betting in them in the current economy. maybe that will change some day, but your chance of having the best user experience and usefully affecting those markets is to put most of your resources into short term stuff
As with all things in life, there’s balance. That being said, you can “wash” your money through a series of short-term markets, and put some of your winnings into long-term bets.
If you put all your money into long-term bets, that’s kinda the end of the game. Your net worth will be fairly fixed (most long term markets have smaller and less frequent fluctuations), and you’ll just have the free daily bonus mana to spend.