Resolves YES if someone has one or both eyes removed and replaced with something that restores vision to that equal to or better than that of a 30 year old.
This person must have previously experienced normal vision in which to compare their new vision. The person must be free from incentives to lie when describing their vision.
The requirements to resolve YES are much less than those for the related question below, including not requiring the availability to be through a market.
There are many people who think that AGI is around the corner and will solve all of our problems. Here is one real world problem that challenges that view.
Why is it hard? The solution will involve connecting to or replacing the optic nerve. Retinal ganglion cells will be removed and the solution will involve attaching to the brain side of these axons or innervating the post synaptic neurons directly. The solution will need to recreate the neuronal activity of healthy ganglion cells. Brain signals controlling saccades and accomodation will need to be received from the brain and interpreted correctly.