Description and Criteria for Resolving YES or NO:
Resolution Criteria: This market resolves to YES if, by December 31, 2050, there is clear evidence that enhanced prosthetics, offering superior abilities compared to natural human limbs (such as agility, strength, or precision), have been developed and are being voluntarily chosen by individuals without medical necessity for limb replacement.
Defining 'Enhanced Prosthetics': Enhanced prosthetics should demonstrably exceed the capabilities of natural human limbs in terms of specific functions like strength, speed, agility, or precision.
Voluntary 'Upgrading': The key indicator for YES resolution is the documented cases of individuals without medical necessity for amputation choosing to replace their natural limbs with these advanced prosthetics.
Source of Verification: Verification should come from credible sources, such as major scientific publications, mainstream media reports, or announcements from recognized medical institutions or technology companies.
NO Resolution: If no such development in prosthetic technology occurs, or there is no evidence of people voluntarily choosing to replace their natural limbs for enhanced functionality, the market will resolve to NO.
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