Paradox Interactive is a Swedish video game publisher specializing in historical period "grand strategy" games. The company's games in this genre include Crusader Kings (middle ages), Europa Universalis (early modern), and Victoria (1836-1936).
A Cold War grand strategy game was under development in the early 2010s but was cancelled.
"publish" means that the game can be developed by anyone, whether Paradox Development Studios or another developer, so long as Paradox Interactive is the publisher. A game is only considered "published" (resolving this question) if it is released and playable by consumers.
"Cold War" means the game should be centrally about the US-Soviet Cold War.
"grand strategy" refers to a game in the style of Paradox's other grand strategy titles (e.g. Crusader Kings, Europa Universalis, Victoria).
"game" means a video game (e.g. this question won't resolve for a tabletop roleplaying game, board game, etc.)
Will Paradox Interactive publish a Cold War grand strategy game before 2030?
See also: