Google has promised 7 years of Android version and security updates for their Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro phones, which is unprecedented for Android phones.
They've announced this on their blog:
With the specifics contained in a table on this support page, screenshotted below:

A duration of support this long is standard for iPhones, but unheard of for Android devices. Furthermore, not only has Google failed to follow through on similar commitments in the past, it also has a repuration for killing off projects generally [1] - leading to justified skepticism about a 7-year support lifecycle.
Will Google deliver on its promise?
Resolves YES on October 1st 2030 if I can't find any reliable reports that they violated this promise, or NO earlier if there are reliable reports that they dropped support earlier.
What counts as support may be blurry but I'll do my best. If they're a few months behind the latest Android version that's fine, if they are two versions behind that's clearly not. I will try to go by the vibe of commentary on the matter, as to whether it has been received by Android and Pixel enthusiasts as a fulfilled promise or not.
note [1]: to such an extent that I considered using internet archive links for their blog and support pages above. Market on whether these links will rot before market close?
They probably realized that the increased purchases they get from making amazing promises greatly outweighs the disappointment people get when the promises are broken or projects are killed. They killed Pixel Pass just a month ago:
@andri But they waited to kill Pixel Pass until they fulfilled their obligations to everyone who had paid for it.