Recently, I left Twitter after noticing it negatively impacted my mental state more than nearly anything else I encountered in my day-to-day life. However, there are still a lot of people I want to talk to who are only on Twitter. I am unsure if I will return in the long-term aside from brief visits.
This market will resolve Yes if I open Twitter in a logged-in window or app three days in a row at any point in 2025 after January 23. (Non-logged-in windows (ie single tweets) don't count, as they do not permit scrolling access.) In this context, "day" is defined as a waking period; if I stay up past midnight scrolling Twitter, it still only counts as one day.
I will announce in comments every time I open Twitter. If I forget and you see me on Twitter, please poke me about it.
I will invest 500 mana in No at market creation to incentivize myself to help break the network effect; otherwise I will not trade in this market.
Commenters should feel free to make arguments for returning to Twitter or staying away.
January 25: reinstalled Twitter app to check up on a strangely high velocity of Events. intend to uninstall by the time I go to sleep