Before X means than the last eligible year is X-1
How can that be possible? You can't simply increase raw materials by a factor of hundred, and you can't increase the workforce anyway by that factor. All that can be increased is energy consumption. But that would require transforming the entire planet into some kind of machinery to capture every source of energy. [edited the factor]
sorry, my bad! But Industrial processes not only need intelligence but also energy and raw materials. And I believe that a hundredfold increase in the entire global economy in just one year is physically impossible. It would be like trying to colonize 99 planets in just ONE YEAR so that they could each accommodate 8 billion people.
lol 😂 There are enough ressources on earth and in surrounding space. But increasing mining, processing and transportation by the factor 100 is just 365 days is unimaginable. We needed centurys to build up what magical AI can do a hundred times in only 365 days? The only solution I can see is if ASI is able to hack and alter reality.