Any startups that get funding as a result of the pitch competition will resolve YES, not just the ones chosen by the judges. See the other market: https://manifold.markets/hath/who-will-win-the-manifest-pitch-com
@shankypanky Mycroft Technologies just closed a funding round involving BoxOne ventures, whose co-founder we met as a result of my pitch at this competition. I have no idea what's sufficient to prove that. I guess ping them for verification?
im donating 2800 to lightcone as result of pitch, does that count
@Krantz Did this.. happen at manifest? There was this guy? Do you know if he got funding? lol
He was there. Didn't talk much. Not a great personal investment.
It's an investment into an AI nobody actually owns.
About as dumb as giving Satoshi funding to write the Bitcoin whitepaper without any guarantee they'll earn any coins in the future.
He did not secure any investors..
Made some friends tho.