@itsTomekK What happens if their identity and net worth aren't known at the time but become known much later?
Some research:
In 2023, it was Arnault & family. Arnault previously hadn't cracked the top 10 since 10th place in 2013.
In 2022, it was Elon Musk.
For 2018-2021, it was Jeff Bezos.
For 2014-2017, it was Bill Gates and Bezos didn't even crack the Top 10 until 2016.
In 2010, it was Carlos Slim & family (#8 last year) and Gates was 2nd (#1 in 1997-2007 and 2009) Slim topped the list until 2014.
In 2005, it was Bill Gates and Carlos Slim was in 4th place.
For 1991-1996, it was the Walton family. The Waltons would top the list today if combined.
it could easily be worth more than 2T by 2030
I don't believe that this will be the case, assign ~25% to this.
@Aizej Created the same market but for spaceX: https://manifold.markets/NiplavYushtun/will-spacex-be-worth-more-than-2t-b, which was the company your top-level comment mentioned.