'Avatar: The Way of Water' (2022) is the second instalment of the Avatar film series directed by James Cameron.
This is a market on whether 'Avatar: The Way of Water' will become the highest-grossing movie of all time, worldwide.

The BoxOfficeMojo stats will be used to resolve this market, available at: https://www.boxofficemojo.com/chart/ww_top_lifetime_gross/?area=XWW&ref_=bo_cso_ac
This is the current (January 9, 2023) list of Top 10 highest-grossing movies:

this market will resolve to YES as soon as Avatar: The Way of Water hits the #1 box office spot
this market will resolve to NO, if Avatar: The Way of Water does not hit the box office record before December 31 2025.
@Eliza I see, now I see in the description. I wonder why we would need such a long period though. @itsTomekK, why did you put 3 years to resolve this?
@FabioTran At the time this market was created, the amount you invested in it was automatically 'loaned' back to you so you could re-invest it in other markets, so long term markets generally made a lot more sense than they do today.
@FabioTran I don't think so. Those are rules of the market. There is still a chance it will become highest grossing before it ends. Around 7% chance ;)
@kolotom99 Will this resolve YES early if Avatar: The Way of Water hits the top place? What if it takes the top spot and then another film comes out after Avatar: The Way of Water but before December 31 2025 and takes it from Avatar: The Way of Water?