Resolves YES if the existence of interdimensional UFOs is generally accepted, by the standards of reliable encyclopedias.
Resolution will be based on a consensus of trusted encyclopedias; primarily based on Wikipedia, or whatever else is generally agreed to be the most neutral and trusted online encyclopedia. If the state of consensus is unclear, the judgment of whether trusted encyclopedias are in consensus will be made by a council of trustworthy users.
The definition of interdimensional is not super clear to me, please comment if you have a good definition, but we'll defer to however the encyclopedias of the future define it. Merely extraterrestrial aliens would not be sufficient, they need to be "interdimensional" UFOs to count.
Related: https://manifold.markets/Joshua/when-will-we-know-that-any-past-ufo
The consensus requirement also implies that e.g. someone vandalizing Wikipedia would not count, it has to be a real consensus.
The question just requires existence of interdimensional UFOs before the end date of the question. So that includes ones observed either before or after the question creation date.
Interdimensional in the sense of string theory and multiverse theory would suggest that it refers to objects made from non-standard model particles. In other words, the objects made of particles currently on the standard model are considered our 'real' dimension of existence, but there are many others particles that make up entire other universes (which also contain life) yet we can gather no evidence of their existence (with the exception of detectable dark matter).
By this definition an interdimensional UFO would refer to an entity made of non-standard model particles that can be phase shifted to interact with standard model particles (some people refer to these as angels).
Please let me know if this definition is acceptable, because that is what I'd like to wager on and would like to know if this market would resolve accordingly if it is found that dark matter is actually non-standard model particles that make up entire other 'multiverses' that contain abundant life.
@Krantz I don't think non standard model particles equals interdimensional in any general way. There could be particles that we just haven't discovered that are just like the ones we know.
@Krantz but the thing you describe where there's some coexisting objects made of other particles that we can't currently detect, that does sound like what the wikipedia article describes as interdimensional. That explanation actually finally makes what they mean by interdimensional make some more sense to me
@jack This video is pretty rough around the edges, but hopefully it provides the intuition for how other 'interdimensional objects' could actually just be different phase instantiations of cyclic events.