From now on, whenever I see an "EXPLOSIVE" political tweet on twitter, I'll make a manifold market on it. I'll check back in two years- and see if there's clear evidence (imo) it's substantiated, or clear evidence (imo) it was wrong or very overstated. former resolves YES, latter resolves NO, if I can't come to a conclusion either way or there's no evidence either way resolves N/A.
If it's very clear to me, I may resolve this early.
The tweet: https://twitter.com/KeithOlbermann/status/1658201258656759809
BREAKING: sexual abuse suit against Rudy Giuliani includes bombshell allegation Giuliani told alleged victim he was "SELLING PARDONS" for $2,000,000 each "which he and Trump would split" AND SHE HAS RECORDINGS AND EMAILS
A YES resolution could involve Rudy selling pardons to any individual.
background: I have no particular partisan affliation in regards to this news cycle stuff, and find all varieties of it to be tedious, even when they turn out to be true.