Resolves to, by default, my best guess, given a lack of . If I find a better data source in the next year and a half, I can change it to resolve based on that. If anyone who bets disagrees with me (which I don't expect), Joshua or someone similar can resolve instead.
For gauging chatgpt's eligibility, I made this market:
@Seeker weird
Chatbots are about chatting not about using text... Otherwise what about chatbots that currently supports images, audio inputs and outputs? They are still chatbots because they are bots that chat...
@MaximeRiche The market title should update then. ChatBots today are for texting and have always been. you're talking of a future change of definition
@MaximeRiche "Chatting" sure but that only happens with text until now , and we use words as is their conventional usage not future predictions
@Seeker Today's ChatGPT accepts image and audio inputs and can return image and audio too.
ChatGPT is a chatbot.
ChatGPT has also an audio only working mode (calling mode).
@MaximeRiche it takes in images but it doesnt give me images. its a one way thing. not chatting. google search gives me images but isnt a chatbot
hey, sorry to clarify late - IMO chatgpt but via voice counts as a chatbot, and wikipedia and other articles I found seem to agree with that. does anyone disagree strongly?
I don't think dall e is relevant here
@firstuserhere I'm confused why you think ChatGPT would stop being a chatbot. What are you imagining specifically?
@singer I said "just" a chatbot - chatGPT is a service. Its already serving some chat models and has a "Store" for other things. Also an audio mode to talk to the model. Seems like they're going towards using chatgpt as the service and lots of integrations with it
@firstuserhere the store and audio mode are for using the chatbot, like you say, they're not replacing it with something that isn't a chatbot. I'm confused why some here are suggesting that chatgpt will stop being a chatbot.