Novel for these purposes means a published work that is at least 50,000 words. Any collections published (e.g. a new volume of Arcanum Unbounded) will be counted only if the collection includes a new (previously unpublished) piece that is at least 50,000 words.
Will not include any graphic novels.
My understanding of Skyward Flight (based on loose memory of a livestream) is that he gave Jancy an outline and they talked a lot during the writing process, but he didn't directly write any of the text himself because he was busy with other projects. His name is the primary one on the the cover, though.

Would Skyward Flight count if it had been released after this question was created?
@Joshua I'm going to say no. Just an outline doesn't count, substantial part of the actual text needs to be written by him
@DavidChee that said if another pandemic happens who knows how high the number could go LOL