If both women and non-women take the next step at the same time, resolves to the fraction of women among them. If for some reason it is not clear whether a woman was first, resolves to the fraction of women among the crew of the mission.
Update 2025-02-26 (PST) (AI summary of creator comment): Updated Resolution Criteria:
Only count individuals who actually set foot on the lunar surface.
Crew members who remain inside a landed vehicle and do not exit are not counted.
@PhilosophyBear Is it plausible that some will stay inside? If you have a specific scenario in mind, please explain because I might want to take that into consideration. If this is just a general suggestion to make the rules slightly more true to the title I'll go ahead and merge it in.
@JoshuaWilkes ahh, I was imagining they would be in a vehicle that landed on the moon and then they just do not go outside lol. Yeah, in that case I would resolve based on only the people who actually set foot on the surface.
@jskf it's possible that four people would land on the service but only two would make the first moon walk I think. But the possibility that we won't know who takes the first step is really vanishingly small