Context: Future of Murdoch Empire Comes Down to a Court in Nevada
Barring an unexpected last-minute settlement, it is Mr. Gorman who, after five days of testimony from Mr. Murdoch and his four eldest children in his hearing room, will recommend whether Mr. Murdoch should be granted his wish: to guarantee that his elder son, Lachlan, gains full control over the media dynasty after he dies.
Businesses include Fox News, The Wall Street Journal, The Sun of London and a large collection of newspapers in Australia
Resolves YES for all children that are granted a share in the larger media empire (or at least a single media outlet). Their inheritance must include control of the companies, not only money/revenue.
If the empire is split up amongst the children, each one who gets a piece will Resolve YES. If one child gets the whole thing, they will be the only YES Resolve. If none of the children get control, all Resolve NO.
Market will remain open until Rupert’s death, as there could always be another twist or turn here while the old man lives.
Crown made of TV towers on the earth makes for a surprisingly creative and badass banner image lol