Steven Kenneth Bonnell II
@Botman this time seems different. I think that Pisco is leaving, as well as many in Destiny's circle. Destiny hasn't made a video since this info came out. No, I'm afraid this is not the same thing as before.
@Benbones99 Let's remember that this is the result of some alleged horrible behavior. To say that life is good is not exactly... stylish- the accusations involve someone who may have been severely hurt by these actions. I would say it's one thing to celebrate the downfall of your enemy, but do not forget your enemy's victims; it is not "LFG" for them.
@crowlsyong I took it as Benbones celebrating Destiny finally being called out on his degeneracy. We've known that he's a pervert and sexual deviant for a while, it was only a matter of time. It is "LFG" for people whom he has wronged to see justice.
@stardust Well put. As a former DGG fan myself, I'm ashamed to have not done my homework. Had I done so, I might have learned what you already knew- that this was a long time coming. :(
Anyway, thanks for clarifying, have a wonderful day.
News related to drop in stock price:
- Destiny's writeup:
- Pxie's writeup:
Edit: I added Pxie's writeup
@crowlsyong sold .5 stocks of my 2.2 total which tanked the stock price. sorry for the price drop everyone (and your welcome, short sellers). this news, while incomplete, is not good. i therefore wanted to pull some mana out of this stock so that i don't lose everything. i still have over 7k mana in this stock, but i am not hesitant to sell more should this news metastasize.
@omnishambles how can we come together, not as enemies, but as companions? You are a true warrior, worthy of honor and respect. When, oh brave one, will you put down your Mana sword? When will I? I don’t know, but I have not the resources to continue our battle indefinitely… I grow weak and weary, desperate to find an end to this battle. Courage has not yet left my spirit, but I would be remiss to hide that my courage wavers.

@crowlsyong Your mana flows with more abundance than mine, yet you squander it. Cease this foolish battle as you cannot win. Heed my warning and yield, lest your portfolio turn as red as a bloodbath.
@omnishambles, The Chosen One, has spoken.
And I, The Fool, stand before you, bested.
Verily- and not merrily- I must confess: this decision burdens my soul, for it threatens to carve a grievous scar upon the legacy of my labors. How might I reconcile such a course, knowing it could spell despair for those who have placed their trust in me to support this noblest of causes? Should I heed thy counsel and stand idly by as the stock descends into ruin? What solace might I offer to my steadfast Buyers, who stand to forfeit all they hold dear?
If yield I must, then yield I shall. I see now that, despite my strength and courage, your wisdom supersedes mine. This gift of yours spells all but certain defeat for me.
What, Oh Chosen One, shall I do? Shall I match your wager of late and encourage this stock to stay at 1139? Or shall I sell my entire position, thereby (temporarily) tanking this stock? Be warned, the attached scroll may frighten you, as it shows the depth of dark possibilities presented by a full sell of my position.
I look to you now, Oh Chosen One, for guidance, for your wisdom, for you to lead The Way.

@crowlsyong You, who are hemorrhaging mana, are threatening me by… hemorrhaging more mana? An interesting strategy if ever I heard one. Well, you know what they say—Destiny favours the borderline.
Let me remind you of some more ancient wisdom. Forge your hands to diamond and let the sacred mantra of HODL become your prayer.
@omnishambles I did not intend this to be a threat, so please forgive my poor choice of words, Oh Chosen One. I only meant that if I sold my entire position, it would cause a significant drop in the value of this stock (albeit, probably not for very long). I said this to illuminate my caring for those who also HODL.
Let me be very clear now: I will not continue to bleed mana, so I will immediately cease my madness by no longer countering your shorts. That said, I will not sell my position either. My assets will henceforth freeze in their current state until further notice. I believe this decision is amicable and embodies the essence of the HODL.
If I have a change of heart, you can rest assured that I will seek your counsel before engaging in further trades on this sacred stock.
Oh Chosen One, Oh Wise One, your teachings are as hallowed as they are wise. Please accept my resignation and my submission. I am honored to have fallen in battle to a solider of your mite. As you have suggested, I am on the path to forging my hands to diamond and I am letting the sacred mantra of HODL become my prayer. My gratitude for your gift of this wisdom is incalculable, yet I will still say, from the top and bottom of my heart and soul: thank you.
Be well Oh Chosen One.
@crowlsyong After recent events, the price has fallen. Shall I contribute to restoring this stock's value to 1139?