Immersed has announced a competitor to the Apple Vision Pro that is called Visor.
Preordering will be avalable "later this year" and it will be released next year.
Already disclosed collaborators are Intel and Qualcomm.
This question will resolve 100% to whatever Immersed alludes to as their "Tech Giant".
Intel presented it today on their developers conference and now this "Tech Giant (undisclosed)" is gone from the home page. Seems like that was it? We can wait some months more, but I don't believe another tech giant will be revealed.
@ScipioFabius We already knew that Intel is part of the project, so "undisclosed" was kind of a lie.
@nanob0nus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ic_uqEGI18&t=1535s
this and some other wordings from that interview have changed my mind a bit that there might still be another one that they meant
In February, Google, Samsung and Qualcomm announced a collaboration on an MR platform (cnet.com). This one is either unrelated to that or is the same thing or a second project from one of those involved companies.