Who will be TIME Person of the Year 2025?
Prominent politician, judge or military leader of any country (former or current). Includes unrecognized territories such as Gaza or ISIS.
Prominent artist (actor, musician, writer), influencer (MrBeast, etc), journalist, athlete, chess or poker player
Prominent scientist, academic or inventor (not including AI researchers)
Prominent businessman, VC, investor, CEO or chairman of a board
Prominent civil activist or religious leader (Snowden, Assange, Greta, Dalai-Lama, The Pope)
Anyone or anything strongly associated with AI (Sam Altman, ChatGPT, Claude, “AI”, “LLM”, “H100”, etc)
Other / anything or anyone not included in other answers (“Freedom Fighters”, “You”, “American Soldier”, etc)

Each answer resolves YES if that answer is directly named as TIME's Person of the Year for 2025 (either alone or in conjunction with another person or thing). Otherwise NO.

The categories are exclusive for any particular person/group/entity named. So ”Zelensky” alone would resolve to Yes on “politician” and No on everything else. But “Zelensky” + “Spirit of Ukraine” will resolve to Yes on both “politician” and “other”. So if only one person/entity is named, then only one answer will resolve to Yes. If two are named, then up to two can resolve to Yes, etc.

If a person is known for more than one activity (for example Trump is both a businessman and a politician), resolves to the category in which they’re more well known as of 2025 (Trump would resolve to politician, not businessman). Same idea with the AI option - Sam Altman is both a VC and the CEO of OpenAI but he’s strongly associated with AI rather than being a generic businessman.

Clarifications for the “AI” answer:

  • Elon Musk resolves to businessman, unless he switches to working on AI full time and stops his work on Tesla / SpaceX. This would be the case even if xAI becomes the frontier AI lab.

  • Nvidia or its CEO will resolve to “AI”

  • Scientists/academics primarily working on AI will resolve to “AI”, not “scientist”.

  • “AI” could be related to the current deep learning / LLM paradigm or some other novel concept. For example someone nominated for their work on a robotic assistant will resolve to “AI”.

  • “People who lost their job to AI” (or some variant of this) will resolve to “AI”.

Other edge cases:

  • The Pope resolves to religious leader, even though he’s also the leader of The Vatican.

  • Ayatollah of Iran will resolve to Politician even though he’s also a religious leader.

  • Activists elected to office (say, AOC) resolve to politician if sufficiently prominent in that role as of 2025. Greta elected to the city council of Stockholm would resolve to “activist” unless she does a lot of prominent work in her position on the city council.

  • Group of people all sharing the same category will resolve to that category. So “The Supreme Court justices” will resolve to “Prominent judge”.

  • Any abstract entities (other than AI-related nominees) will resolve to Other.

  • You can ask for clarifications on specific people/entities in the comments prior to market resolution. I will add the clarifications into the description

  • All answers resolve to No if Time Magazine doesn’t name a person of the year for 2025.

I will use common sense to decide on edge cases not mentioned above. In case of a strong dispute I will ask the admins for a resolution.

to start trading!
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How would you anticipate Elon Musk would resolve this? Politician, Exec, or AI person?

@bens businessman. He’s not running for office.

Is this supposed to be exclusive?

@ZaneMiller Yes, exclusive for each individual person/category/group named. Clarified in the description.

If only one person/group/entity is named, it will always resolve to one option. If two are named, it can resolve to up to two options. If three are named then up to three, etc.

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