Add names! Add yourself!
Which users who joined Manifold in 2023 will still be using the platform in 2025?
Please use the unique @ username, rather than display names
Please add users who are currently active (I will N/A names that are mostly inactive already)
Only add users who joined in 2023, all others will N/A
Anyone on the list will resolve YES once they have publicly visible activity on the platform in January 2025 (trades, comments, new markets, etc).
On February 1, names will begin to resolve NO if they have no public activity in 90 days (e.g. a user with no activity in Nov/Dec/Jan will resolve no in Feb)
Once a name meets the NO criteria, it will stay NO, even if they come back later in 2025
Update 2025-08-01 (PST): - Resolution Update: The creator has resolved users with visible activity. (AI summary of creator comment)
@Ziddletwix thanks. You caught me slacking, I forgot I had an end of year market. I've resolved the users with visible activity.
@Rucker I updated the answer, the response matched the display name, not the @ name, so the link didn't work.