Will be going off of 'All 2025 Decks' in Standard format here: https://mtgtop8.com/topcards
I don't know anything about Magic the Gathering, but I do know how to scrape a website, look at a few matplotlib charts and decide, based on a combination of evidence and general attunement to cosmic vibrations, that this market should be trading at 50%. My data and code, if anyone thinks they can do better.
@strutheo Thank you. I’m particularly curious about @Ajelenbogen’s bets on your last few MTG markets. I’ve noticed that he occupies the opposite side of my positions, so we’ll have a nice test of whether domain-specific knowledge will beat blind statistical analysis.
@cherrvak Oh I imagine you'll beat me where we disagree. I mostly don't think expert and exacting knowledge of Standard will beat raw statistics. I just figured I'd know more than average and fired off a few beats.