This auction ends January 1st 2025. Unlike a normal auction, in an All-Pay auction YOUR BID WILL NOT BE GIVEN BACK TO YOU! All bids are kept once you make them.
Each contribution you make to this bounty counts as a single bid. Your cumulative amount does not count as a bid.
If you contribute 50 to the bounty, you are making a bid of 50 on the auction
If you contribute 100 more to the bounty, that is a separate bid for 100, NOT a total bid of 150.
The winner is the person at the end of the year with the highest bid. They will receive the prize below. All bids will be collected and given to a Manifold charity of my choosing.
Mods have permission to ensure I am trustworthy and adhere to these rules through whatever means necessary.
The prize is for a piece of Manifold history: the slip of paper from the fortune cookie market. ("ASSERT YOURSELF - YOUR IDEAS ARE WORTHWHILE")

i will be posting highest bids as they happen
CURRENT LEADER - ME - 200 mana