Link: https://www.billboard.com/charts/year-end/hot-100-songs/
Using "Year End" charts for 2023 and 2028.
@ClubmasterTransparent @strutheo Several dead artists on this list. What about new market “which artist will have posthumous hit by 2028” it’s combination death market and music charts market.
This is an extremely difficult market to bet on, as it's not only gambling on which artists will have relevancy to make the list in 5 years, but also on which will even have an album cycle in 2028, as many big artists have years where no album or single big enough to reach the year end 100 is even released. Drake and Taylor are the only ones big enough and putting out music consistently enough to be really secure. Most of these people won't even have an eligible song in 2028.
However, super interesting market idea. Excited to see how the trends move as time goes on.
@Will94fc yeah i think its going to be interesting seeing how the patterns evolve through the years, but i also think its way too uncertain/early beyond some big names right now